We proudly present the "100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G" list for 2024

Admela Jukan

Agapi Mesodiakaki

Albena Mihovska

Amina Boubendir

Ana Garcia Armada

Ana Perez Neira

Andrea Goldsmith

Angeliki Alexiou

Antonella Molinaro

Arsenia Chorti

Athina Petropulu

Aurora Ramos

Aylin Yener

Bahare M. Khorsandi

Barbara Masini

Besma Smida

Boya Di

Branka Vucetic

Carla Fabiana Chiasserini

Carmen D'Andrea

Chih-Lin I

Christina Chaccour

Cicek Cavdar

Devaki Chandramouli

Diana Pamela Moya Osorio

Dimitra Simeonidou

Dinh Thuy Phan Huy

Elisabeth De Carvalho

Elza Erkip

Eva Lagunus

Fang Min

Gunes Karabulut Kurt

Haeyoung Lee

Hanaa Abumarshoud

Hina Tabassum

Jianhua Zhang

Leila Musavian

Liesbet Van der Perre

Lena Wosinska

Lina Bariah

Lina Mohjazi

Lutfiye Durak-Ata

Mahtab Mirmohseni

Mariam Kaynia

Marica Amadeo

Marie-Helene Hamon

Marie Hogan

Marina Petrova

Marja Matinmikko-Blue

Marwa Chafii

Maryam Hafeez

Melike Erol-Kantarci

Merve Saimler

Mimi Tam

Mona Ghassemian

Muriel Medard

Nancy Alonistioti

Navrati Saxena

Neha Sharma

Nuria González-Prelcic

Octavia A Dobre

Özlem Tuğfe Demir

Peiying Zhu

Qurrat-Ul-Ain Nadeem

Rajitha Senanayake

Rashmi Kamran Bhatia

Rose Qingyang Hu

Sara Pizzi

Sennur Ulukus

Sheetal Kalyani

Shilpa Talwar

Shu Sun

Shuai Nie

Shuowen Zhang

Sofie Pollin

Sinem Coleri

Stefania Bartoletti

Sumei Sun

Syeda Fizzah Jilani

Toktam Mahmoodi

Tugba Erpek

Xueli An

Yaning Zou

Yansha Deng

Yijie (Lina) Mao

Yongxu Zhu

Yonina C. Eldar

Yue Wang
Rising Stars

Eshita Rastogi

Livia Chatzieleftheriou

Nadezhda Chukhno

Olga Chukhno

Preksha Shah

Rocio Rodriguez Cano

Rojeena Bajracharya

Sarah Basharat

Sayantini Majumdar

Shalanika Dayarathna

Shuchi Tripathi

Sravani Kurma
How did we compile this list?
Women in 6G™ has put together the list of "100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G" based on the nominations we received, information from university and company websites, interviews, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, IEEE Xplore, and other public sources. The one thing that unites all the women on our list is their passion and resolve to contribute and make a difference in the ever evolving 6G technology space.
How is this list different?
Unlike other lists, "100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G™" list will not be based on any ranking system nor it will be dominated by influencers or content creators. We aim to put the spotlight on hidden figures and unknown voices working on any of the 6G candidate technologies. We will recognize deserving women without any bias or favouritism. We do not charge any kind of nomination fee.